
PIC18F4550 is microcontroller from Microchip, Here you can find various projects,  tutorial on PIC18F4550 with few chapter on programming the pic18f4550 microcontroller along with Source code.


BOOT LOAD THE PIC18F4550 - FIRMWARE UPDATING | SETTING THE PIC18F4550 IN RD/WR ( BOOT LOAD ) MODE FOR BOOT-LOADING new code into the USB INTERFACE BOARD, it can be done with a bootloader Software

First Time Programming a Microcontroller

First time coding programming a microcontroller , PIC18f4550 projects

For the 1st time loading you need a base firmware or a demo firmware. The firmware usually comes in .hex format. This part guides you to first programming a pic18f4550 microcontroller for USB board for beginners | Rakesh Mondal | rakeshmondal.info | ron

How to make a JDM Programmer

JDM programmer is a serial Microcontroller programmer. It is used for loading the compiled source code( .hex) into the microcontroller with a DB-9 port. Its quiet easy to make. we are going to make this board for loading the code into microcontroller board pic18f4550. JDM programmer does not have a capability to program through a USB port but its quiet a cheap and easy to make at home if you don’t want to invest on costly programmer like pickit2. Its one of the easy legacy model for programming microcontroller. You can find the necessary schematic and description here to make this programmer at home with in an Hour.

C# Software and Firmware, USB INTERFACE BOARD

USB Interface board PIC18F4550, Software application and firmware to control 6 led via USB Interface (PC and Laptop). The Application software is written in C# (c-sharp) - visual studio 2010, the Source code and Project files are free to download along with the Firmware and Software.

USB Interface Demo Board Using PIC18F4550

USB Demo board PIC18F4550, USB Interface Board

This Tutorial project shows a Computer USB Interface through pic18f4550 Microcontroller which allows to blink few led's, Control motors and other devices with computer through a USB Interface hardware that we are going to make with easy steps. USB PIC18F4550 interface project is Human Interface Device HID. You can find the Complete pic18f4550 Schematic , Circuit diagram of the hardware with Software , Driver and Complete step by step tutorial for beginner here.
