Microcontroller Tutorials and Projects
Various projects based on microcontrollers and electronics can be found below.
PIC18F4550 Tutorial
- PIC18F4550 Microcontroller
- PIC18F4550 Programming Hardware C
- Mplab Ide and C18 Compiler project set
- PIC18F4550 Programming Blinking an led
- PIC18F4550 Programming Blinking - Method 2
- MPLAB X IDE and XC8 Compiler Tutorial
- Blink led with XC8 and 20Mhz Oscillator
- PIC18F4550 Stepper Motor Schematics
- PIC18F4550 ADC stepper Motor Control
- Proximity Sensor

USB Interface Board using PIC18F4550
Create a cool interface with laptop using USB Interface board to control your devices using PIC18F4550 microcontroller.

PIC18F4550 Programming C
A series tutorials for PIC18F4550 Microcontroller C programming chapters for beginners, with schematics and free codes. Tutorial covers the basics of old and new versions of MPLAB.

IR Object Detection circuit
This circuit is a low cost / low range homemade object detection IR module that you can easily make using IR sensor and photo diode.

Arduino Interfaces
A collection of few Arduino based tutorials with implementation of ADC, IR interface , LCD interfaces, along with DC and Stepper Motors.

Stepper Motor Tutorials
A collection of various simple and advanced Stepper Motor tutorials for controlling and operating through Arduino and PIC18F4550.

4 wheel Differential steering Robot Design
An article on design challenges and considerations while making robots which works on four wheels and uses differential steering mechanism.
Microcontroller in simple term means a small computer on a single chip which have all components inbuilt. Embedded Systems. More
Create a cool interface to you laptop using USB board to control various devices like DC motors and blink leds on clicks of mouse. More
JDM programmer is a small Microcontroller programmer which can be made at home with few basic components, Check schematics and Components. More
Creating the USB Interface board on PCB. Components and Schematics Required for making USB board with detailed tutorial. More
Configuring winpic800 with JDM Programmer
How to configure winpic800 software with your JDM programmer properly So make it work. Set Crystal Oscillator to 20 mhz.More
First time programming a microcontroller requires focus on some basic Steps and thing in mind before loading the code. MORE
Bootloading Steps for pic18f4550 USB
Bootloading a pic18f4550 sometimes can be tricky hence a tutorial with video for you , just to be sure if you are doing it right. More
Driver Installation for pic18f4550 board
This Simple steps explains , How to install drivers for a pic18f4550 USB board when you connect it first time to your computer. More
Download links for microchip application library
Download links for old versions of microchip application library . More
Controlling a DC motor with pic18f4550 and l293d motor controller
Controlling a DC motor with interface to pic18f4550 microcontroller with help of a L293d H bridge motor controller . More
JDH162a LCD interface with pic18f4550
How to interface a LCD with a pic18f4550 and also with pic18f2550 microcontroller. More
Schematic and Circuit diagram to use a ic 7805 voltage regulator to regulate voltage at 5 v. More
How to use a IC 7806 voltage regulator to restrict the voltage to 6V. More
A simple IR object detection sensor module circuit that you can make very easily. More